Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Looking Fierce!

Heeey new followers! I just changed my layout around a little bit, do you like? I've been pretty bored today, might make an apple tart for my Dad but I made these owl rolls! The picture is a bit blurry but they were scrummy and I was lucky I had yeast in the house! They're a bit like bready cinimon rolls.  You can get the recipe here. 

Oh and I just wanted to get your lots opinion on me setting up a little shop? I'm thinking vintage and shirts and jumpers make done up by me, what do you think? I really wanna do it and get it all set up before September atleast so WATCH THIS SPACE! 

Now this post is titled looking fierce because I was pretending I was Tyra Banks whilst I was taking some photos today - don't you love America's Next Top Model? Yeah, I'm a sucker for reality TV but anyways I was doing this thing where you close your eyes and then open them just as the camera flashes! It was fun haha, might use it as my facebook photo though people think I'm mad enough anyways so it might be too out there!

I'm off anyways! I'll be sure to give you a fantastic post tomorrow! 





  1. You actually look really pretty in that photo, not like a nutter!:') Lovelovelove ANTM, major addiction, haha. +good luck with setting your shop up, cant wait to see whats on offer!xxx

  2. MMM the apple tarts look tastey! :)
